100 Things Every Homeowner Must Know: How to Save Money, Solve Problems and Improve Your Home

100 Things Every Homeowner Must Know: How to Save Money, Solve Problems and Improve Your Home

Matematika Tentukan nilai x yang memenuhi gambar di atas.​

Tentukan nilai x yang memenuhi gambar di atas.​


Rumus pythagoras:

(2x+7)² = (3x)² + (2x-2)²

(2x+7)(2x+7) = 9x² + (2x-2)(2x-2)

4x² + 28x + 49 = 9x² + 4x² - 8x + 4

4x² - 9x² - 4x² + 28x - 8x + 49 + 4 = 0

-9x² + 20x + 53 = 0

(Terbentuk akar persamaan kuadrat)

x1x2 = [tex]\frac{-b+-\sqrt{b^{2}-4ac}}{2a}[/tex]



x1 = [tex]\frac{-20+\sqrt{400+1908}}{-18}[/tex]

x2 = [tex]\frac{-20-\sqrt{400+1908}}{-18}[/tex]

Maka jawabannya adalah

x1 = [tex]\frac{-20+\sqrt{400+1908}}{-18}[/tex]

x2 = [tex]\frac{-20-\sqrt{400+1908}}{-18}[/tex]
